outdoorman55 63岁, 男, 住在Washington


Washington, Spokane
6 ft 1 in / 186-188 cm


atheltic outdoorsy man looking for same
Nonpaying member, Unable to respond to emails right now. I only got on here to see if I got any bites. Can not leave other contact info, It will be deleted.I am a older fit active looking guy. I work out religiously at the gym. I am not a couch potato; although, I do like to stay home and relax in the evenings. I am a easy going serious quiet sincere kind of guy. Don't get mad at all unless I am backed into a corner. I like warm weather outdoor activities such as camping, day hikes, backpacking, and biking. I like to travel and explore new areas such as wilderness areas. I like museums, history, antiques, old cars. I grew up on a wheat farm, college educated, and worked in the telecommunications industry for several years. I like most all animals. I would rather shoot an animal with a camera, I do not hunt and will not. My favorite place to live might be in a tree house listening to the rain beat on the roof.
First of all I would like to get to know you a little bit before running off to the church. Seriously, I would like to meet someone that is interested in some of the outdoor things that I do and be able to do them, but it is not a requirement. I am a non smoker and can not be around smokers. Light social drinking is ok. I am one of the few guys around that you will find that dislikes football. I will not watch football. I would like to meet someone for a meaningful relationship that could develope into long term. I do not care how old you are, what race you are, or ethnic back ground you are. So long as you are sincere and honest. I am a serious person and do not care for off the wall remarks and people put downs. I do not care for female chatterboxes.

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