nascot 33岁, 男, 住在Queensland


Queensland, Brisbane
6 ft 4 in / 194-195 cm


Play Harder - Live Longer - Looking for Exciting Friends
Hi Just came back from overseas, and learnt some new life lessson... Play Harder Live longer I enjoy, snow skiiing, downhill mountiain biking and white water rafting.. Spent last 3 months in canada and learnt life is to short to worry about little thing and work is only a means to experience, what the world has to offer.. I am not looking for anything at the moment… there is to much out there to settle down.. I am an outgoing and an active guy, that likes to have a good night out to relax and escape work and can last till the morning... I have a good, yet at times cheeky sense of humour and will at some stage make you laugh.. I am not pushy and have a relaxed attitude… I live near Manly, but I do travel a bit due to work and I often find myself in hotels in Melbourne and Sydney. and around the world
My ideal girl would be someone that is funny and will make me laugh at little things, a little bit flirty and great sense of humour and does not get offended easily. Must also enjoy the dance floor of a club.. you know what they say "dance is a vertical statment of horiontial desire" or something like that.. Although looks are not that important it does help if you are physically attracted to someone, so a photo is a must… so I guess someone that looks after themselves and is basically Fit and healthy. Someone with a down to earth and relaxed attitude and must love sex more than I do.. thats a tough one Now for the “fun stuff”, some one that is confident, ever if not experienced, is welling to try new things to make things exciting, and has a lot of lasting energy. When I say confident I mean you are willing to ask for what you want. No point being in it if you are not enjoying it.. Even if this does not sound like you, I would like to hear from you, as I am very open minded and not judgemental. Looking forward to hearing from you... and I will respond to all messages, even if I am not interested. PS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS AS WELL Cheers :)

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