tomyam_80 34岁, 男, 住在Singapore City


Singapore City, Singapore
5 ft 6 in / 168-170 cm


Hi, nice 2 meet u. 1 2 know more abt me? Msg me 2 find out!
Hmmm... i dun really know how 2 describe myself but i'll try. I guess i'm quite a caring, easygoing, friendly, funloving, happygolucky (most of the time anyway), kind & witty guy (provided u like my sense of humour of cos, lol). I like 2 joke & tease my frens (not just gals only ok, haha) & can be pretty fun 2 hang out with. Some of my frens like 2 share their r/s probs with me as i'm always rdy 2 provide a listening ear & offer sound advice as well as suggest solutions shd they require them. I'm also gd @ keeping any secrets 4 them so if u hv any secrets u feel uncomfortable in keeping alone with u can safely confide them in me too. I think that's abt it 4 now, feel free 2 ask me any qns but whether i ans or not is another qns, hehe.
Well, basically i'm here 2 try out this site out of curiousity & fun. As 4 wat i'm looking 4 in a partner, actually i just hope 2 make more frens of the opposite gender. Aft we know each other better, maybe we can meet up 2 hv an enjoyable time together, be it just chatting, singing k or watching movies. So if u r looking 4 a guy 2 hv ONS then i'm afraid u got the WRONG guy cos i'm not the sort that like 2 fool ard with gals purely on a physical level. Even if all u r aft is just a nostringsattached sex btw 2 consenting adults which i'm not against, i wld prefer if the attraction is based on more than just lust. I believe if we can hv or @ least be able 2 feel we hv some sort of mutual bond b4 we do the deed, it wld be much more enjoyable. :) However, if u just 1 2 find some1 whom u can talk 2 when u feel bored, share ur probs & cheer u up when u feel down or accompany u when u feel lonely then u hv found the RIGHT person. =D Hving said that, if aft knowing me u do feel u can 'connect' with me (& so do i likewise) then when we meet up u wld like 2 proceed further 4 some erm... 'notsogd&cleanfun' i'm fine with that as well. :p If that's the case i can assure u that watever happens btw us will remain strictly private & confid

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