justjrocking 34岁, 男, 住在Alberta


Alberta, Vancouver


just looking for some good clean yet quite dirty fun and someone looking for the same
i'm 30yrs old and starting my life over again going back to school cause i'm no longer able to do my chosen line of work but this is life i guess if it were easy we'd be bored. Ok ladies heres the gods honest truth i'm a guy i like sex alot i like watching doingit and listening to it, and i like to think i'mj good at it to the only complaint i've heard was "shit we almost out of lube wasn't that a brand new bottle thats it we're buying stocks in the petroleum industry if we are going to keep going like this" and i said "wouldn't do us any good i buy water based" she laughed so my thoughtlessness about not buy 2 bottles was forgiving. one of my most favourite things to do is watch a woman orgasm it makes cock hard and keeps it steel if i can keep you cumming i get to keep having sex i'll pass out before it does. another of my favourite thing to do is to have orgasm men can have multiple orgasms. hell my ideal life would be to have sex and masterbate morning to night and get paid for it i don't mean like a hooker it would be with someone i cared a about i just mean get paid for my own personal pleasure. although hot rich chicks paying me to please them doesn't sound bad either ahhh whatever we all have dreams (i warned you i'm being honest and i'm guy can't say i didn't) But still with all honesty this sexual part of me is just that "part" of me theres a whole lot more i just thought you should be aware of that part because it sit in the drivers seat quite a bit.
i'm looking for some distractions. i'm easy to please if you can make me laugh listen and leave satisfied i'm pleased.don't get me wrong i'm not looking for a relationship but i'm not looking for a booty call either (well not all the time...what i'm a guy ) call it companionship with benefits no stress or dramma no strings just comfortable gossamier fibers we can sit and chill in or lay down and get intense in, whatever the mood suits

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