Spellbound69x 62岁, 男, 住在Arizona


Arizona, Mesa
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


My aim is to make the journey as extraordinary as the destination.
I am a very optimistic person with a big and generous heart looking for someone else who is chasing their dreams and wants to live every day with the excitement it deserves. Age and weight are just numbers. It's whats inside that counts. I'm interested in most things artistic, creative, sensual or heartdriven. I ride everything from a Horse to a Harley. I’m the kind of guy that will burst out laughing from dead silence about something that happened the day before. I love life and I realizes that roller coaster rides are more fun than merrygorounds and believe that a girlfriend should be my best friend.I think life is not waiting for the storms to pass, But learning to dance in the rain.I've always been one to think out of the box, and love to experience all that life has to offer.I love fine aesthetics in buildings, art, cars, clothes, and yes, women.I have a great sense of humor and LOVE to laugh. A woman with those same traits is amazingly sexy to me. Joy... laughter and a sense of humor will get you through a lot of rough spots. I think things happen for a reason and I know that the heart has reason's, that reason knows nothing of.
Compatibility means you have a open mind, maintain a sense of humor, and keep life’s fun in the midst of the struggles.I believe in a committed monogamous relationship with humor as the key, we must be able to make each other laugh and have fun on a regular basis. I am looking for that special best friend and lover to share my life with.. I am looking for someone who knows how to love someone from the inside out. Someone who is able to share her feelings, understands men, someone who wants to share her life completely , no secrets, and someone who wants their best friend to be their husband. Someone who’s not afraid to fall in love. I treat all walks of life with respect they deserve. I love to be around people who are honest up front and happy to be themselves. The best accomplishment for me would be in meeting m

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