lickitgood_69 46岁, 男, 住在Merthyr Tydfil


Merthyr Tydfil, Merthyr Tydfil
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm


insatiable meetings of bodies
Generous, funloving and adventurous. I am a onewoman man if there is such a thing. Monogamy is a platform to a solid relationship. Not been in one for a while, so want to meet a women from 30 to 50 yo, to share some special times. You will find me hardworking and solvent that would be a starting point to start a reationship which will eventually lead to something that I can bring to strenghen the tie. Lovin and friendly: loves nights in watchin a movie with just us cuddled up on a cold winter's night keepin ourselves warm. Like to dance when the time is right, so a nightclub once in a while. willin to travel for the right woman. Likes cookin. Put your feet up and let me spoil you. Concerts, to go to every so often. Or a quiet drive for Ice Cream on Sunday, to chill before the new working week. Is there anything else to girls decide what we can do, I am easy to fit into your Schedule. 5'9'' TALL, HAZEL EYES, LITTLE EXTRA PADDING THAT I'M WORKIN ON,FASHIONABLE,LIGHT BROWN HAIR (GREYING) LOADS MORE TO ME COME N FIND OUT MORE!
A woman aged 30 to 40 yo. Any younger is flattering but NOT INTERESTED. Any race, looks and size not important, as long as they are presentable and clean, no worries. Someone who wants to stay in and cuddle at night. Ilike to feel and be touched. Loads of foreplay is fantastic, so anyone who can keep going without the sex for ages gets my attention. Likes Lingerie to! No married women who jus wanna fuck for the sake of it! you are married for a reason, and there is no need for seconds. Be grateful for what you have. There are many other people out there who do not have and deserve to have. A person who wants a relationship to work at. Not been in a relationship for a while now, so I would like to meet someone who is willing to make a go of things. A sexy welleducated person who can hold down a conversation and keeps me occupied. Spontaneous, flirty and seductiveas I like to be the centre of a woman's heart when she is fixed on to Love. Give me a call and

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