HandsomeXOXOX 58岁, 男, 住在Florida


Florida, Miami
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


Tall Handsome Humorous Sensual Male for Dancing & Fun
Tall, Handsome, Humorous, & Sensual. I enjoy extended foreplay; kisses, gentle nibbling, giving & receiving messages... I also enjoy dancing; so if you would like to go out dancing, or for drinks and listen to music, or bring in take out and a move, or something of the sort, I'm happy to please. I do prefer a friendship over a one night stand; since sex can get even better with time. I have good hygiene, and am decease free; being that I haven't been with more than one woman in over 25 years. (My previous sex partner, the same) I have been separated for three years, and miss the sensual touch and body of a woman. During the weekdays, I can sometimes be available during the daytime. Check out my fantasies. Let's communicate and get to know each other. Let me know what you want me to do with you. Let my lips, tongue, and fingers work their magic. DON'T BE SHY TO WRITE! Please don't send me photos of your cunt; at least not as your main photo. I wish to be discrete and therefore do not post a photo, this I can send via our communications.
Attractive, Good Figured, Sexy, Sane, Warm, Intelligent and Mature. Someone clean, who smells nice, and tastes nice, who wants to please as well as be pleased. High heals, sexy clothes, & glossy lipstick are a weakness of mine, however a nice birthday suit works just the same. PLEASE do not turn out to be a guy for both our sakes, no matter how good a kisser you are. My IDEAL partner would be close to my age, or unable to become pregnant, someone that I could practice unprotected sex with without fear about getting her pregnant or contracting a decease. HOWEVER IF PROTECTION IS NEEDED, SO BE IT. I'm flexible; perfectly fine with the Friends with Benefits concept, as well as the possibility of a long term relationship. Though I am not looking to have numerous partners, I am open to the possibility of having a one night stand with the right type of person. If you are younger than 30, please do not contact me.

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