Huntsekker1 32岁, 男, 住在Western Australia


Western Australia, Rockingham
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


PLEEEEASE put up a picture i need to see what you look like!!!!
I am young, fit and healthy. Athletic and active, tanned and toned. I like to eat with chopsticks, other than that, I am done with cutlery. I am particularly good at my job. It bothers me when people don't use correct punctuation. In fact, it bothers me when people are not punctual in general. I have an extremely healthy libido. I like to ride my motorcycle 'till I run out of fuel. I don't like people who chew with their mouth open and drag their feet. I really enjoy simple things like hot water on my skin, wind in trees, heavy rain on a corrugated iron roof, the sound of waves, and fluffy new socks. I prefer exclusivity with a partner. I am extremely comfortable with being naked. I like tattoo's on girls. I take pride in my honesty. I have lived in WA for one year, i enjoy it, but know very few people due to the disgusting amount of time i spend working and not socializing, which i am trying to change.
I crave the taste of smooth skin and the feeling of a slender body against mine. I would like to enjoy like minded company. I usually enjoy women a little older than me rather than younger, but not as a rule. I am not girlfriend or wife hunting, but I do miss being in love, i think i would like to stumble across it again one day soon, so i am still looking for that person who makes my skin tingle with her touch and my heart thunder when she's close. Someone my body burns for when we're apart and our minds entwine and expand when we're together. I would like to find someone with deep intelligent beautiful eyes that can see through the bull$h!t in this world. I would like to find someone who respects themselves, mind, body and spirit. Someone strong of will and kind of heart. Someone who enjoys adventure and exits their comfort zone often. Someone fun, to laugh and cry with and hold tightly and closely through the night.

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