hannkatt 57岁, 男, 住在Aust-Agder


Aust-Agder, Arendal
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


Im soooooo alooone, where are uuuuu my darling????
Im Sigurd, 42 years old. Im alone, single, no kids. I think im veeeryyy honest and kind man, maybe a little restless, but not if I find the right woman in my life.Im living for the moment near Arendal, SouthNorway, with my parents. I was moving down here last year, after i was found lifeless in a street in Oslo last year, and was laying at hospital for 17 days. I had doing some stupid things. I was a little drunk and was going with some people to their home and set a neal with heroin (who i bought) in my arm, and got lifeless. The people who i was with just took me out in the street and lay me there, and luck for me the neighbours (saw me laying there and call for ambulanse), and i was laying at hospital for about 17 days in june last year), and therefor i live with them now until I find another for my self. I have lived in Oslo since 1994. I was working as bussdriver the last few years in Oslo, and before that just have some few short works as truckdriver, both in Norway and Europe. But I dont work for the moment, (not since june last year), and only 50% the last few 45 months before that. I got pain in my overarm/ shoulder in 2006 and just worked sometimes, (sometimes 50% only), but got my paid from the state until it had gone seeek for 1 year, then i go over to rehabilitation, and have soon been gone that for 1 year too now. If i have gone that long enough i can seek for retire, and can live where i wanted and got my paid from the state in my bank.
I have been alone for so many years now, and thaught that its time for me to find a lifepartne/ wife, to have my own family and have my own kids too. Have many girlfriends but that is just "friends", want some more seriously . Im seeking a sexy/ pretty/ nice/ lovely honest girl who is looking for a kind, honest man. Age meens not so very much so long the chemistry is there, (i dont wont much older than me, but younger doesnt matter). But Im a little particular/ choosy about who you looks. I dont like VEERRRY BIIIIIG

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