nightsky2727 52岁, 女, 住在Georgia


Georgia, Cumming
5 ft 5 in / 166-167 cm


I'm Back
Can you believe it..haven't been here since 10/08. Whow! And now it's the last weekend of 2/10. Man, how time flys when your not having fun & trying to work through a really terrible sad it had to end that way...but it is, what it is, RIGHT? So,I am about 1 mth out from being able to meet with you. Hope U understand. Can't wait til the day when....I give, you win, I am all yours, spoil me, pamper me, give me attention, give me affection, take me away, bring me back, just give it to me, I can't fight it anymore, I can't help it, I want you, and only you, as much as I can have, when I can have, does that sound like something you might be interested in? Did I mention that I have one of those hyperactive type personalities, probably goes with the high sex drive, right? >>The little angel on my right shoulder is saying, "What are you doing? You know better! Stop! Wait! Don't!. While the little devil on my left shoulder is saying, All Right, That's my girl. Damn, what took you so long! Beginning to think we were never going to have fun again! So, as the angel fades & devil screams with delight, I am here once again. Real, No BS, No Shinny Knights & White Horses or Pickett Fences. Dont know what a "Honey Do List" is. Believe Marriage is a scam & should be abolished. The Jury is still out on monogamy, but, not looking to hopeful right now. Mr. Monogamy might end up in the same prison cell as Mr. & Mrs. Marriage. Wouldn't that be a hoot! May they live happily ever after!
Looking for that one man to connect with and we have that "chemistry thing" going on. You know if you are physically attracted right from the beginning don’t you? From the first time you meet. But you play it cool and after that first meeting goes really good. You talk, then talk some more about when you might be able to get together to hang out (so to speak). Then out of the blue the occasion arises and you are out of town with your work or something like that. Nervous, hell yeah. but exciting. yes. So we meet up and have diner and

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