schnauzerville6 49岁, 男, 住在Virginia


Virginia, Fredericksburg
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


Looking 4 a real female for real fun.
I am a guy with what I am told is a sexy appearence with adventurous attitude wanting to simply enjoy life and not let it just pass on by...I am a true geminithat enjoys true romance with a good balance of adventure. and I like to play as hard as I work. Into the outdoors and a big animal person so if ur one who does not care about animals and would simply pass a stray, no need to message me. I am very upfront and honest, free spirited looking for a no strings attached type relationship but want to become a friend...not simply for sex...finding sex is easy but want to become close and have some fun togethe(not always needs to be sexual) hot errotic times and memories to remember. I am currently seperated, and that is because of a fake start that changed after married, so if ur not real and simply hide behind your words or computer, again, no need to reply. Not into fakes or story tellers... Just funminded and if u read this and it sounds like u lets see if we click...Peace
a fun minded free spirit that enjoys life and love. A girl who tries to remain positive and does not always let things in life direct your attitude. One that is open minded and not shallow.(through thoughts of close femeale fun) looking for no strings attached fun with a guy u want to become a friend with. I am only a 7plus cock size so if looking 4 a mamoth rod I am not 4u... Just be realhonest and fun minded with no big hang ups or the jealous type. visually attracted to what u see in my pix because being interested is the first step to a great friendship...and one who really thinks about and enjoys sex and orgasims as much as possible with a close friend. A girl who enjoys her own appearence and is not afraid to show their beauty... One with a good outlook and wanting to make life better and not just settle or be content with what is going on when there is no spark in that life... I am very oral, so one who likes a morning of gentle massages and making you cum with soft licks and has a fun ima

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