kimba53 60岁, 男, 住在Nevada


Nevada, Incline Village
6 ft 2 in / 189-190 cm


All We Need Is Love
An ideal woman for me would be a singer that has accomplishments. Perhaps someone who feels that they can make a comeback as an artist in some way. Someone I can write songs for, record and produce. But hey, that is a one in a million chance.Another shot in the dark would be to find a love in southern California where the best volley ball players in the world are, knowing all the time that there is no real money in beach volleyball, but a trade off for a very healthy life style and happiness. My cyber skills are fine. I’ve been doing computers back when most of you were crashing your first micro wave. I just want the real thing, I’m not into a flat screen nymphomaniacs. This is a great website! But I feel it is being abused, I have been out on a couple of dates I met here. Problem is, one was a transvestite that I’m not into and another date was actually a girl!, but she was 50lbs heavier than her profile said and her picture was from 20 years ago. That’s not very honest if you ask me. I have been bombarded with contacts from girls in Africa and Russia that claim they live in MY neighborhood. After they send me their “want’a be” sexy pictures, then they ask for money. They are probably guys scamming. No Doubt! 90% of the nice girls I talk to on this site are either to frigid or to afraid to respond. From what I have experienced, it is very understandable.This is my farewell girls. I’m letting this account expire and I’m going to hit the clubs for the winter. Then
I an seeking a woman with a very current picture not from the stone ages, and with a desire like a wild mustang! I am looking to dominate a very submissive woman , I want a extremely energetic partner in sex and she must knows how to control her gag reflex, and knows how to control her orgasm's. I am looking for a younger sweet thing that is erotic, and can last for hours.

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