Rainman246 59岁, 男, 住在Arizona


Arizona, Glendale
5 ft 8 in / 173-175 cm


You get what you see
First off if you’re looking for financial support or some kind of sex machine, I am not your guy. I live off a disability income and have been celibate since 2000. Now that I’ve said that I can tell you that I’ve been told that I have a pleasant personality. Once a former roommate (as she was bitching me out for what she believed were my substandard cleaning habits) said that I wasn’t bad looking for a man, that I could find a wife to take care of me. I guess that qualifies as an unbiased opinion. I’m honest and in most cases I am a gentleman. With my ethics casual sex is out, I would have to know someone pretty well for that but that doesn’t keep me from flirting with the right person and if I’m pretty sure she will not be offended I most certainly will engage in sexual innuendo and doubleentendres, I like to watch the reactions to clever turns of phase. My humor runs mostly in the sarcastic vein because I have trouble remembering jokes, even good ones. If you’ve looked at the pics I posted you can tell I’m not an Olympic weight lifter so the sixty extra pounds I carry around is called FAT also I don’t smile because I’m missing my two front teeth.
I don’t know if Horny Matches is the right website for me but my friend (a paying member) that will help me is signed up here, so am I too. What I’m looking for is a friend, companion and confidante; she will be a lady in public and a little naughty in the proper setting. I was brought up in a very emotionally/physically stoic family so to touch me implies friendship/affection and vice versa. Warm genuine hugs, cuddling on the couch and holding hands mean something to me. As far as an example of my ideal/fantasy physical type, that would be Gillian Anderson (agent Scully XFiles) but then I am very pragmatic about getting a fantasy girl. Other than that whether or not I will find a woman attractive all depends on how it all comes together. I thank you very much for your time.

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