UNUSUALbutTRUE 45岁, 男, 住在Queensland


Queensland, Burleigh Heads
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


a most wonderful time but i am dying
I have Cancer and the doctors give me a few months more but I will not see Xmas again. I have the doctors and specialists reports and will give you the name of my oncologist to speak to so you know I am not playing stupid games. A very large part of my career has been spent in more countries than I can remember, studying cultures for commercial clients. But for my own interest as I have always been a sensual person I have studied sexual practices and techniques across cultures specifically in the area of stimulating and sexually exciting women. It may sound strange but it is an area that I have a particular interest. Also I spent time with a group in Europe who have an interest in similar areas. While it is true that each of us is different and this applies to our sexuality as well right down to small things like the way we respond to touch of a partner to the the timing of when that happens. But I have put all that I learned together and developed for myself how I stimulate and bring out the sensuality of a woman and so far always to a point beyond that which she thought she was capable. The look on a womans face as she goes into an orgasm is one of the most special things prompting me to learn the art of giving ecstatic pleasure to women. We all have fanasies and each one is also unique. Mine is to be able to spend some time with a lady and make that wonderful experience of developing in her some of the greatest orgasms she has known.
my ideal is to find somebody who believes that there should more pleasures in life and rather than repeating the same things over and over. To smell the roses to walk on the beach at sunset to share romantic dinners more theatre and explore new sexual experiences within limits you are comfortable with. To expand your sexual experiences in directions that you are interested in and learning some new things about yourself with a little more sexual adventure in your life and reach greater heights of self knowledge.to accept your natural inclinat

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