tvkimt 54岁, 女, 住在West Sussex


West Sussex, Horsham
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


Crossdresser is looking for a friend
I am a friendly person, always willing to listen, and have a soft heart, and I may be a little on the weak side. I am interested in women's affairs. When you go out dancing, I want to be the one you choose to dance with. When you are sad, I want to be there to comfort you. When you are shopping for clothes, I want to help you decide what colour suits you. When you are not well, I want to be the one nursing you. I am an independent person, but open to change when I meet new people. I am a cross dresser who has one foot out of the closet, and one foot still in the closet. I like to think I am very good at what I do. I try to keep a tidy home. I have my own home. I can be a very dedicated person, if shown the right direction. I dont care what you do for a living, if you like me, then I would still be keen in meeting, ok? Be warned, I do not smoke, and only want to meet nonsmokers. If you like what you see so far, then I want to meet you.
I am looking for a woman. I consider women make wonderful friends. I want to meet a woman who will become my best friend. I am looking for an independent woman, with her own home, possibly with her own business, and is successful. Successful women inspire me so very much. With me at your side, I want you to succeed even more. We can meet as often, or as infrequently as you like. I just want you to feel my love. I am looking for lots of love, and I have lots of love to give. I am not happy if I cannot satisfy my partner. I am not looking for someone living on social security, or who still lives with her parents. And, I am not looking for a man, but realise that men are necessary sometimes.Contacting me is difficult, due to my membership, sadly I am a standard member, so I cannot write or reply to you. So, please read my fantasies below before writing to me, ok? but hey, I live in Horsham and am on tvchix. and so lets try to meet online!

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