TheAhAhAhhs 38岁, 男, 住在Glasgow City


Glasgow City, Glasgow
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


If you're that good, you'd be me by three
OK, yeah... he here loves himself... But I've got to say, without the arrogance just a healthy respect for myself. I've got all the good things going on and I'm happy, confident, productive and respectful. Nor do I need to look in the mirror every two minutes. I am a complete windup but in a harmless way and enjoy verbal banter. I’m pretty sure I’ll make you feel good about yourself and make you laugh, hopefully making you wet yourself. Looking for nostrings or a little more, depends on you.If you love yourself, think yourself that good and you’re happy in your own skin... I'd love to meet you. So, as you'll know, thinking the way you do; THE world that WE live in is clucking wonderful.Want fun? Come get some.
Kawatanga... Aslamabad... Zorcheeba... Vaaroom.Glad you tried to say them out loud...>Hmm, you? Well I am pretty indifferent to looks... my experience with modellike girls... they are a bore, with no cultivated personality and no sense of humour. Expect for everyone to fall down at their feet, and think the world owes ‘Princess’ something. Pretty sad really, what a waste.........When I haven't replied within 7 hours I'm getting near verbal violence! (few of you) Sort it out, jeez... nor do I sign in every single day. Sorry way too busy at the moment..........So if one of you puts something together worthwhile, (no offence) and makes me laugh or makes an impression. YOU will get reply.... Thanks for the comments so far, of nice picture, your making me hot etc. Always good to hear..........I’m not looking for any great novel, you don’t need to try that hard to impress. Honesty and a little humour is indeed attractive. So don’t spend that much time and don’t think I’m unapproachable. Nothing is further from the truth..........F'ing & rolling around is one thing and I got a 7lb organ, just like you. Why don’t you try using it. Appeal to the big head, instead of the smaller one........ Have fun. Work hard. Be better. Play for the sake of playing.

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