eng4u925 45岁, 男, 住在Kansas


Kansas, Wichita
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm


wanting to pleasure you
About me: The good: I am intelligent, honest and caring person. I have a good well paying job. I have never used any social drug and have never smoked. I am completely healthy and have never had a STD. I have 4 tremendous young kids who live with me except for every other weekend. I try to treat everyone I meet with respect, even if they may not have earned it. I have a good sense of humor and try to find the humor in everyday situation. I don’t laugh as much as I would like, but I am hoping to change that.About me – The bad: I have been told by many people that I am a nice guy. Nice guys do tend to get the shaft a lot. I have had people take advantage of my niceness. I have had women just write me off because I was too nice to them. I have tried to be more of a jerk or to try and take advantage of others, but my conscious gets to me and I can not do it. I am divorced. It was not my choice. I tried everything I could to save it but my Ex did not. There was no cheating or abuse involved, she just did not want to be married to me any more. I now realize that she had change completely from the person I fell in love with and I am moving on.About me – The ugly: My hairline started to recede when I was in high school. The last year was very tough on me and my body is not in the shape I want it to be. I have a little extra in the belly that I am working on getting rid of. With my job and taking care of the kids it has been hard to find the time to get back in shape.
I want to find someone to spend time with on my free weekends and chat with at other times. I have tried some of the dating sites, but I do not think that I am ready for a serious committed relationship yet. My ultimate goal is to meet my soul mate and get married again but I am not ready to jump in to that arena yet. If I meet that someone here, that would be wonderful, but I am not looking for that now. I am looking to find a friend to spend some time with. Go to the movies, to dinner, watch football, baseball, hockey,… games with

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