DJTEZ 33岁, 男, 住在Cumbria


Cumbria, Ulverston
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


Can you come out to play?
People say I'm a clone of Frank Gallagher from the program Shameless but just because I've got long hair and am known to enjoy the odd late night, I wouldn't say it's exactly true. I'm 6ft and reasonably slim 3234" waist. I have longish brown hair and brown eyes. I like to think I dress fairly down with it. I used to be a chef but kicked it into touch to concentrate on my DJ'ing. I've not dated for a while because I was very ill for a long time but am completely OK now and bear no scars. I like all the usual stuff drinking, pubs & clubs. I like ladies a lot but am way out of practice and have sort of lost my mojo. I don't think I'm a glossy mag cover boy but I'm not a minger. I live in the Lake District which is amazing but quiet and obviously I do travel for a more up tempo experience. I have been known to take party drugs in the past but have sort of grown out of it. I used to smoke a lot of weed but fucked it off cos it makes me feel weird now. I do smoke and do drink although not so much as it's a habit.
I'd like to meet someone ten years either side of my age. I'd be lying if I said that looks aren't important but as long as they're not grossly obese and everything is where it should be then I'm happy. Someone who has a love of music would be a massive plus especially any exravers or DJ's. I like girls who are quite forward and talkative. Dressing nice and pride in appearance is important. I've lost interest in girls in the past when they get to that comfortable stage and start wearing scruffs and no make up when I'm around. I used to be a chef so like eating out and love Italian food. I have a sort of love of girls with nice legs.Most guys will stare at your boobs but I'll always check your legs out. I love girls with black hair but it's not that important. I'm pretty much up for most things and am easily influenced so why not come and lead me astray?

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