ShuggaWugga 52岁, 男, 住在Illinois


Illinois, Peoria
6 ft 3 in / 191-193 cm


Seeking someone to share Love Happiness and Memories
How are you doing there? hope things are going well for you and your family ...I am Bill and i am looking for someone special, I should tell you that I am a very openminded person and I love life and living drama free. i don't accept anything just because everyone else believes i should and I don't close my mind to an idea just because it seems strange, if you want to do something new and exciting to you, i will support you and try it myself if that is what you want to do. For me, tradition and custom are usually a good thing but can sometimes be roadblocks to progress and happiness. There is no one on earth more serious about finding love and a happiness than I am, and you can count on that..i was born and raised in Peoria..One thing that is extremely important in my life is my love for GOD, and my mother bless her heart, she has been more of a father to me than my father could ever be.I am a very fortunate man to have had a very loving mother who bore me 13, sibblings, and married into 4, step brothers and sisters, we had a very wonderful childhood, under her protective eye. Here is a quick over view of my family. ( from eldest to youngest )DORTHYKATHLEENGEORGECHARLESLEJUNERONNIEARNITAMIKEBRENDAMY SELFEVETTONET ( EVET & TONET ARE TWINS )DEANNASTEP SIBBLINGSKEVIN KARLKARENJAMSEY So there is my family
I want someone who i can spend lots of quality time with ,sharing all the pleasures I've discovered in life,and that's a lot, believe me. i also want someone who is affectionate, because hugging and cuddling are a basic part of my healthy spiritual movie watching ritual, My favourite indoor activities are: Card games, Computers / Internet, Cooking, Dancing, Drawing / Painting, Listening to Music, Movies / Theatre, Reading, Role Playing Games, Video Games, Watching TV. Favorite outdoor sports: Basketball, Football, Baseball, Swimming. Favorite types of Movies: Action, Adventure, Animations, Comedy, Horror, Mystery, Romance. Favourite types of Music: Danc

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