Kelseydillaboug 32岁, 女, 住在Canada


5 ft 8 in / 173-175 cm


Life is short, I'm looking for a life partner
My philosophy on life is quite simple....treat others as you would like to be treated. I'm not interested in playing games because it often lead to pain.I enjoy watching movies, playing pool with my friends, reading, and taking care of my aquariums. I enjoy going out for a night on the town but also a quiet night at home listening to music or watching a movie. I'm a very strong minded person and have definite goals. I want to find the man to grow young with.Age to me is unimportant, all that matters is true love. as long as two people have a lot in common. There is no distance to great to find your true love my ideal match does not have to be any kind of prince charming. I don't mind if you are big or small, fat or thin, All i want is to love and beloved.. just try me out and you will know the kind of person i am. I AM A WOMAN FOR ONE MAN .. One thing i do believe is that WHAT YOU CANT EAT THEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO SMELL IT!!! I don't play head games so whenever i say i love someone then i truly love that person because love is a big word and i don't just use it. I only use that word when i am truly serious.
I believe the most important thing in a relationship is Honesty, trustworthy and being straight forward.I am looking for a very serious long term relationship like marriage with a right person of any NATIONALITY,RELIGION­,RACE or COLOR.GOOD and BAD people you will find in every corner of the WORLD so dont judge a BOOK by its COVER & if u really want to judge a person then judge her by her behavior,character and nature and if we are really MEANT for each other then DISTANCE wont be a big PROBLEM.I am looking for somebody who is not into any head games. life is too short so no time to waste.. I want to find a man to enjoy the rest of my life with who's open to Marriage as well.

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