Trueromance72 42岁, 男, 住在Michigan


Michigan, Flint
5 ft 3 in / 161-162 cm


Looking for my Queen....
I am 37 years old, divorced for two years now and feel it's time to start dating/looking/having sex and/or just plain having fun. I have no kids and have been working in the same profession for twent years. I don't want to say I have forgotten how to date, however, might need some help. I know I don't wish to go to the bars to meet someone.I am a True Romantic (regardless of how dorky that sounds). I believe in respecting a woman and being honest and faithful to her, at all times. I believe in treating my woman like a Queen, and again, romance is important. Whether it be having dinner when she gets home, a picnic in a meadow field, flowers for no reason and, if it gets that far, even more romance in the bedroom (email me for more information). I'm average looking with a few extra pounds but make up for it with my attitude, confidence, humor and, again, the way I treat you, or spoil you, which ever you prefer. Another bonus is that I'm well endowed. I always make sure the woman gets hers, sometimes multiple times, before I get mine. I love foreplay and kissing every square inch of a woman's body, both front and back, and have had woman cum from that alone. Like I said, I'm a true romantic looking for someone that's interested in my skills.
I'm looking for a woman that is also a romantic. She must be at conversation, have a sense of humor and a great personality (such a cliche' anymore). Smoking doesn't matter, but non is a bonus and drinking doesn't matter. The woman i'm looking for should not want to play games. I played them when I was younger and am not interested in them. We aren't getting any younger and neither of us should have time for playing them. The woman should like to go out once a week or so, but also like to just chill and watch a movie, go for a drive, go away for the weekend, etc.

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