fire_nymph 43岁, 男, 住在North Dakota


North Dakota, Grand Forks


Looking for a woman to join us, to come with us, for us
We are a 30 something couple, we are now looking for another woman to join us occasionally to enjoy getting some and giving some. He is 32 and athletic. In his off time he plays a semipro sport that requires him to stay in shape. He has shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and an everpresent grin.. In the realm of male bragging rights (grab it with two hands and what ever is left, is bragging rights); he has bragging rights. She is 29, athletic as well, with ample breasts, and an ass that begs to be beaten. She has full lips that most stars would pay for and eyes that beg as loud as her lips. Her stamina rivals that of his (hours). She is capable and wants to know the feeling of both a woman and her man pleasing her and the feeling of being made to please a woman.
We like curves, hips, an ass that begs to be spanked, and nipples that will tease us into putting them into our mouths. You will want to like the idea of your finger, and our fingers all inside you at the same time trying to make you come. You will have to want to do that to her as well, and want to share him with her as you try and make her scream. Imagine her ample figure, draped over a chair, tied, hands and feet to the legs of the chair, ass red from the spanking, begging us to take her, to use her. You can see her twitch with the slightest of touch, hear her gasp with a little lick, and moan at the touch of your teeth. Her tongue will gladly lick what ever you put to her mouth; her eyes beg you to untie her and take her and use her as you will. If this got you hot, just a little, then you could be right for us. We want to make you scream and in turn you will help us scream, that simple. We would like someone that is not shy and willing to try new things and role play a little.

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