Bored__Stiff 62岁, 男, 住在Colorado


Colorado, Cotopaxi
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


thanks to you wonderful women
First, I want to say Thank You to all the wonderful, whimsical, magical women out there, who are so comfortable with their sexuallity. It is indeed a pleasure, just to look and dream.... I'm recently divorced, and back in the game again. Not sure where it will end, but getting there is half the fun.I live in the mountains and love it. It's a small rural community about 25 miles from town. The drawback is, its 25 miles from town. Not exactly conducive to meeting new people. I have a cute and cozy cabin, with spectacular views, and it could be very romantic, but it takes two. Alone, it is just boring.I am very erotic, open and sensual by nature.Although I have only been with three women the past 20 years, I can assure you, I am no virgin. I have learned the difference between sex, great sex, and sexual bliss. Sometimes, that special chemistry takes time, as it takes time to explore and learn about a lovers needs and desires. I revel in the scent and taste of woman's nectar. The feel of her skin against mine... the smell of her hair...To lift a skirt, and dine, is a pleasure beyond compare. Ladies, thank you, the world just wouldn't be the same without you. You are all special, and should be treated as such.
Men and women are opposites, yet we both basically want the same things in life, love, happiness, respect and space. To grab my heart, my mind, or my body, you must be open and honest first. Intelligent and interesting. And not into unreasonable drama. I prefer a lady who takes care of herself, and is in good shape. One who is confident and comfortable enough with her own sexuality to explore herself, and her partner. Soft, yet firm. Not only physicaly,...but mentally. In her speach, in her manners, in her ability to give pleasure, and to take pleasure.She would be....lady like, and a Tomboy.Down to earth, yet a spirit that soars in the sky.Comfortable in a dress, or in blue jeans.She would be open and willing to experience the splendor of passion almost anywhere she felt her desir

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