skywalker04601 45岁, 男, 住在British Columbia


British Columbia, Victoria
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


Hello, fwb's??
If I had to describe myself, and it looks like I have to here, it would be prudent to give the best possible description. As a lady that happens to find me would figure it all out eventually so lets clear this right upfront. I figured out a lot about myself starting the day I through out my tv five years ago. I started reading, and continue to this day. Applied Sciences, Philosophe, Psychology, Poems (dark ages), Spirituality (loads of em) and various others. I would have to say from Don Richard Riso, Personality Types (Enneagram) I am a classic type 4, that being romantic, creative, extremely intuitive, emotionally honest, sensitive, a dreamer if you will. I have a real artistic side that is still trying to come out and look forward to designing and building my fourth home. I dress very well, always top shelf, and look forward to new fashions and trends. My musical taste varies wildly and if you wanted to know more it would be easier just to show you my ipod. Various concerts, rock, folk, classical. Operas, Ballets, fashion shows, Monster truck, Moto Cross, Formula one, IHRA Drag, really, just all over the place. Have not purchased my sailboat yet but plan on it within another year or so. I try to keep in shape and have a completmedical every 6 months by Transport Canada. Love being a Pilot, best job in the world.Please note, dd free, expect same, discretion assured and expected. Fav. web sites..TED, FARK, Rense, cropcircle. Radio..CBC, BBC, C2C, CKUA (best)
Feminine, impeccably dressed (or does try to beI can help if you She knows how beautiful she is on the inside and because of that her womanhood easily flows out of her. It is shown to me through her eyes and, in the evenings, in the bedroom. Feel comfortable in both jeans and a little black cocktail dress. In closing a poem written we think around the middle 1600's titled "Upon Julia's Clothes", Whenas in silks my Julia goes, Then, then methinks, how sweetly she flows The liquefaction of her clothes. Next, when thy

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