JDub_23Air 41岁, 男, 住在Texas


Texas, Abilene
6 ft 2 in / 189-190 cm


Hello, wanna get to know me??
First, i want to thank you for taking the time to read my profile. So, thank you. I am an Air Force Gentleman, therefore i respect any and all women. I am biracial; half Black, half Mexican. I'm 35 years old, and i live in Texas. I'm 6'2, and i weigh about 245 pounds. I have straight black hair with amazing brown eyes. I'm clean shaven, although i do have a little mustache. I don't drink or smoke, and i'm disease and drug free. I'm not very religious, but i am a Baptist. Although i haven't been to church in a while, i do believe in God. I really don't go to clubs or bars or anything like that very much. I guess that scene is just not for me. But i do love to dance. So, i may go once in a blue moon. I'm a Virgo. I enjoy moonlit walks and long, deep kisses that last forever. I workout 4 times a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. It depends on the weather and my job. Some of the things i enjoy are music, different foods, reading, art, sports(both indoor and outdoor), wrestling, poetry, and the theater. Oh, i do love when it rains. It makes me want to go outside, butt naked, and write a poem. Just kidding!!! But i do adore the rain. There are other things that interest me. But they are too many to name. I enjoy a variety of other things. Just as long as it's safe and legal. And it doesn't hurt or harm anyone or anything. I know there's more, but i just can..t think of anything else right now. Plus, it's better for you to find out some things on your own.
First and foremost, i'm here to make and meet new friends. Although, race and age are unimportant to me. I respect, as well as adore, all women. However, we all have our preferences. I feel that every woman in the world is beautiful regardless of color, creed, ethnic background or age. It all depends on what is on the inside; in the heart. Everything and anything else...fades. There is something about each and every woman of this world that makes her unique. I don't stereotype, so so shouldn't you. You would have to support me, as i w

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