BelgianinLondon 44岁, 男, 住在Greater London


Greater London, London
6 ft 3 in / 191-193 cm


Intelligent chat first, then passionate sex. Or the other way around.
After traveling the world for 10 years, it was time to stay at one spot for a while. And London is not really the worst place to live, I guess. Not good at the whole description thing, but in 3 words, I might say I'm positive, definitely sarcastic and one other I can't really think of right now. Not sure what I am looking for either, I guess I just want to check out whether there are actually real people on here. I love sex in all its forms (well, cyber to real and chat and all, not really a fetish person) and am very open about it. What I am NOT looking for is a quick shag (been there, done that, didn't work) so if your profile basically consists of a oneliner like 'Hi, wanna fuck?', please don't contact me. Being able to hold a conversation is much more important so chatting will always be the takeoff point. Still reading and might want to know more? Write me and see where it goes, could be a lot of fun...P.S. I know, my picture is pretty lame, but I do have some better ones on simple request.P.P.S. After being on here for a while, I remembered why I left the site last time. People SAY they want to chat, but in reality, nobody really seems to do so, or maybe I just approach the wrong women over and over. And what is it with all these closeup pictures? Might look good irl, but most of the time not a good idea on a profile....
What DO I look for in a partner.... Good question. Well, basically we need to connect, whatever that means. If you listen to Celine Dion all day, watch Eastenders or only read about Peter and Jordan, it won't happen. Being open minded is important, with a good sense of humor and being able to get my sarcasm. If you hadn't realized yet, I use that a lot. It gets me through the day. Some sort of intelligence is always a bonus, so if you think Almodovar is a Mexican wrestler or Belgium is the capital of Amsterdam, it's gonna be hard as well. Still reading? Sweet. I love talking, going out, watching movies, listening to mu

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