ted23825 63岁, 男, 住在Iowa


Iowa, New Hartford
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


Plz read and think about it,E mail me and share your thoughts
S W M.5 10 single,blond,blue,stocky,financially secure,live in the country,In a very private setting (great for sun bathing private parties,ect)Looking in the 18 to 57 age range, I really don't care for the word teach,But rather some one to share new experiences with.In all honesty I think orgasm should be considered One of the 7 wonders of the world,I live to share them,To feel and hold you while feeling you body quivering with erotic satisfaction is the beauty of everything cuming together,rather it be breast,deep vaginal,clitoral,anal or total body orgasm Age;If you would like to be with a older man, find what is missing in life,So that the next time you wind up with a one pump chump,you will know more to better deal with it,and be able to enjoy your self,The hole world don't need to know about it,Just tell your friends your going out of town to see some family member, If you happen to be Bi cerious,bring a friend along I would be more then happy to host a time for us to get together,Should it need to be discreet/casual,open what ever,I can do that for ya,Or if not a nice dinner w/some adult bev,Or just some way to spoil ya, At the time ya I am single,and out to have as much fun as possible But always have a open eye looking for that L T R,(like that is ever going to happen)I still beleave in true love and romance I think it is real and still out their,just gotta find it,And should that happen then this is all over,and only one would matter.
Well again any one 18 to 57,From avg to athletic.,distance hasn't got a lot to do with it.Any where from discreet to L T R. And the same as all of you ,some one to have fun with,Straight to bi curious (women only) Some one to spoil in and out of bed,

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