Shea2588 27岁, 男, 住在Ohio


Ohio, Orrville
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


"Love can mend your life but love can break your heart" - The Police - Message in a Bottle
The name's Shea pronounced (Shay) anyway.I'm a pretty good person, or so I like to think so. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Although for the most part I'm a pretty good natured person, I'll go out on a limb for you, I'll always be here to listen and offer the best advice I can, Anything we talk about and you want to be kept between us will be.I have a way with words and know just how to touch that part of you that no one else can. I'm honest and true to a fault but it's who I am and I won't change that. I'm random for the most part, I like to have fun, and have a wild side, but I also know when it's time to work and be serious. So for the most part if your around me you'll have a good time.I'm very open, from what you can see. Like I said before I'm very honest, so if you want my opinion expect the truth.I mainly listen to music from the 1980's. Some would include, The Police, Duran Duran, The Cars, Rush, Michael Jackson, Rick James, Morris Day and the Time, Prince, The Cure, U2, Van Halen, Berlin, Ace of Base, Loverboy, Wham, Pet Shop Boys, Madonna, Bon Jovi, Billy Idol, Tears for Fears. And there are more.Any new music I listen to is manily Rap, I just like the music, it's not who I am. Chances are if it's got a good beat and you can dance to it I'll like it.
Basicly I'm looking for someone who won't bullshit me, and it straight forward for the most part. You know simple but nothing to blunt. Hell, take a chance you never know what'll happen, and no one want's to live with regrets.I don't know how I may come off just by reading this but I know I can say this much, I'm full of suprises.

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