griffdaddy13 61岁, 男, 住在Minnesota


Minnesota, Glencoe
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


Looking for someone to talk to, hang with, make quiver & moan. Any or all.
Hello ladies, My name is Mike and I find myself single again after 14 years. I'm bored, lonely, and honestly, horny as all hell. I've seen many very attractive women on this site, some I really think I could click with. Now I'd like to start meeting some of them. I'm friendly & outgoing, if a little shy. I love music, movies, comedy, going out or staying in. I love to sing, so I'm a bit of a karaoke nut & I play a little guitar. I'm afraid I don't have a lot of spare time. I work 2 jobs & spend what time I can with my kids(2 girls. Live with mom.) I would like to spend what time I have somewhere other than in front of pc looking at profiles & emailing. I would also really like a little human touch. I pay in kind, and pay well. The bedroom(or kitchen counter or beach or movie theater... etc.) is one area where I've never had complaints. I have had many compliments & more than a few thankyou's. Nothing turns me on more than making a woman hit a high note or two. Perhaps I could do this for you?
To be plain, I'm looking for company, a little cuddling, & great sex, not necessarily in that order. I'm good with NSA, butI think I'd like a little more than just sex. I've been with the same woman for a long time, so I know I'm clean. Please be also. My ex was a control freak, so If you feel a need to be in charge of every situation, wrong guy! I must admit, i like a woman who's not afraid to take charge. I just don't want to live under her thumb. I'm not that easily controlled, although I do take direction well. I tend to be more attracted to slender women. I'm pretty fit(not a fitness nut!) & like the same in a woman. I'm not into exercise regimens. I just don't like to be fat. A little extra padding is ok, but cellulite is a turnoff. Sorry, it just is. I love life(even when the situations suck,) & I like to be around people who feel the same.

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