NeoDez 35岁, 男, 住在Alberta


Alberta, Scarborough
5 ft 8 in / 173-175 cm


A little spice in life!
I am from the Toronto region. Reason to be on this site because I am missing the spices in life, the excitement, and the quality time that we all like to spend time to time. My work requires a good amount of my time and also have to travel once in a while. Due to which it's hard to keep a steady relationship in life. I heard about this site, and decided to give it a try. Decided to finally find the missing spices that we all like to share and feel in our daily life.On another note, I am an incurable romantic and a passionate person. I enjoy the outdoors, long drives, movies whether indoor or at the theater, cooking, and also sometimes just cuddling up in a couch enjoying a nice movie together. I don't therefore need to mention at all that how much I enjoy the kissing and cuddling for hours. And it's even more fun when I know you enjoy it too.If you are also missing some excitement in life either due to busy schedule, or for a change a new adventure along with your daily life, then send me a quick reply to break the ice. We can introduce ourselves and see where it goes. No strings attached. It could be a nice path to a friendship with benefits. We can always start with a small chat online, exchange emails or even meet in person for a coffee or a small bite. Or even meet up for a minigolf. Whatever suits us for a first meeting. If we still don't click we can both go on our different paths. So, would you like to swim with me in the Ocean of Fantasy!
I would like to meet someone who's down to earth, with a very friendly personality in nature. Enjoy the little basics in life, such as a little laughter, the outdoors, the indoor cuddles, the romance, and of course the sensous side of life. If you are not a shy person and enjoy cuddlles and kisses, enjoy getting kissed around the neck and just forgetting the rest of everything and get a relaxing and soothing body massage, or perhaps I should use lots of oil and we could body slide for a change. Hold in each other in our arms, and

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