hedge_69 46岁, 男, 住在Queensland


Queensland, Brisbane
5 ft 7 in / 171-172 cm


good times always
happy go lucky bloke loves the ladies and knows how to treat the ladies whether the bedroom, the park, the kitchen table, or that place you want to experience willing to try anything once so if you have a challenge bring it on, I'm sure we can teach each other a thing or to. Until miss right comes along again, I'm on a mission to enjoy life and to broaden my horizions, If we only have that one time together, well it will still be a memory I'm sure we both won't forget. So let's live life to the fullest and enjoy what the world has to offer. Like they say you only live once. Since you ladies have shown me what to expect I have also included a picture of my Gold Member to show that I'm not shy in coming forward.
adventurous, cheeky, can take control or likes to be controlled.Finding the other half to make a whole is not easy these days. The games that are played between the sex's is unbelievable. All I want from a relationship, is honesty ,commitment and respect goes hand in hand for both parties involve. And of course love, without love the others that I have mentioned would be all fake.I'm looking for a lady that doesn't take life so serious all the time.(there's a time and place for everything). Some one who's not afraid to express that inner child that they have with in themselves, I say this as I won"t let that inner child in me go as I don"t want to grow old before my time. I want my Love "The One" to feel like we have gone back in time and we are like childhood sweethearts, when were together we forget the past and past experiences and only think of the future. How lucky we are to have each other and get the chance to fulfil our dream. That dream of having a life together with the one we love to the end of time. We all know this sounds to good to be true and I won"t lie, this is what I want and so do you. But as you know there will be good and bad times. It's how we work together as a team and handle situations that will make us stronger and then our love will also grow stronger. At the en

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