madmike32 41岁, 男, 住在Poole


Poole, Poole
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


Hi i am mike
I am a happy go lucky person, who is slightly shy to start with but once i get talking to people i am usually a good laugh.I am caring genuinely nice chap who hasn't been appreciated yet.I am looking to find a lady that can give me the love and affection i deserve and would like the love and care i can give.Sorry but i dont have any decent pictures of me on my own so this one was me on holiday with a lady i was flirting with hehe.I have managed to get a picture of just me from my friends i went on holiday with.Any ladies interested in me please feel free to msg me and i will respond ,a picture of you on your profile would be good.I honestly don't bite so why not msg me n see eh ladies ;)Im always up for some fun if that is what you require ;) if not become friends and see from there.I can control myself in the bedroom and last as long as require ;).n always up for as much as i can get :)
I am interested in meeting people who are up for a laugh and good time and fun too if we click ;).Also if the right lady was to be met it would be great.If not quite right i would still have more friends and more friends is good eh :)I would like to meet ladies that would like to get to know me for who i am and they will find out i am a nice guy and not a user etc,all i ask in return is honesty and if they want what i can give then they must be prepared to give me back affection i would like.If there are women who would like fun then please say that is what is desired as i would also like to have fun if that is all they want, i definately wouldn't complain as i am single lol.Go on ladies give me a shot you won't regret it :)

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