agentlemanforu 62岁, 男, 住在South Carolina


South Carolina, Laurens
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


Nothing ventured...nothing might be missing a good one
I will promise you all this, I will be honest with you, I am not a game player and am serious, so want to be upfront with you....unlike others who may hide facts...I will not do that.I was raised to be a gentleman and to treat a lady like a lady,I also have over 20 years in "alt lifestyle" and want to continue to explore that. I have a Dominant personalty. My marriage is in appearance only . Seperate bedrooms for the last year and no communciation or any romance. I am very oral and will give you long oral sessions until you are more than satisfied.Freinds, Friends with benefits, or more if it leads to something then we will face that together. ADiscreet is a must right now.I guess what I am trying to say here is that I am not here just for sex,but realize that is something that I want,but romance and communication make the sex better.Not looking for one time one nighters. STR is good, as well as LTR.
Lady who understands the need for discretion, her marital status,looks and age are unimportant.Casual sex, but also no stings for now or as long as we want it that way, until we see where it is going. Who will appreciate the romantic man that I am.She must be open to expereincing new things. Want to get to know you . A lady that loves to be given long oral sessions to orgasm over and over.To paraphrase a section of the Jackson Browne song the Pretender " I want to find a lady who can show me what laughter means and we'll fill in the missing colors in each others paint by number dreams, make love to our strength is gone, and when the morning light shines in we will get up and do it again.....get it up again". Or as Garth Brooks sings "Life is not tried it is merely survived standing outside the fire".Love to please my partner and experiment and experinece new things.As a side note, I am trying to stop smoking.

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