jdub65 49岁, 男, 住在Delaware


Delaware, Newark
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm


I would describe myself as someone who loves licking you and fucking you. But lets be honest its important to have that communication and mutual respect for one another and that is the key to being happy and having a fulfilling friendship. It’s all about giving and taking building something special. As for my interests, well I am someone who enjoys such things as of sports (are you a fan) cozy evenings in, travelling and exploring new places and sharing in new adventures. I also love the cinema much; love to go to theatre and dining out with friends. I don't mind going to the clubs with friends but prefer to be at a club with my lady and dance the night away. I think I have a pretty good sense of humor too. I would like to find someone special who can share life’s ups and downs and I guess it takes a little time to find that special person but it would be fun to meet new people and share in their experiences too.
Looking For: A woman for discreet relationshipIdeal Person: I am looking for someone who would love to be in a relationship but willing to take things slow. I would love to meet someone who has similar interests and ideals as me, but I am not afraid to share in a few new experiences either. I would prefer a good natured woman but do believe that personality is where true beauty lies. She should be caring, kind and intelligent, someone who can be both a best friend and lover. She should have a good sense of humor and have a bit of get up, and go too. She should have a caring good heart which is full with innocent love, she should be clean and love kids much like me. Above all, to believe in treating someone as they would hope to be treated themselves. If this sound like you, and you would like to know more, then please get in touch with me. Thank you for looking at my profile and good luck on your search for someone special...

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