petedunne1 49岁, 男, 住在Manchester


Manchester, Manchester
5 ft 6 in / 168-170 cm


Sexy lady wanted
Hiya ladies, I'm Pete, 45, from Oldham, nr. Manchester and I am looking for a discreet, sexy lady to educate me as I feel I am an undergraduate in the bedroom. I am single, no children, large build.The problem for myself is that I have always been overweight and never fancies any ladies.One thing that has left me curious is that men love large ladies, but ladies don't like large men, it's just a curious thought.I do come with a health warning: sadly four years ago I suffered a heart attack and this has left me with permanent heart problems for which I take regular medication for, but I do NOT do recreational drugs.Despite the heart problem I do work full time in a very stressful job: I'm a Health and Safety Administrator working in a warehouse with over 1,000 employees.I enjoy playing with my computer when I am relaxing and I enjoy listening to music, particularly the local radio station, Revolution with Steve Penk, I also enjoy my music with numerous artistes to list, as I am an exdisc jockey.At the weekend I like to relax a little, particularly if I have had a stressful week in the office, and like to have a game of bowls, or go out for a social drink, meals in/out, etc. but preferably with company.Sadly due to the heart problems I am unable to drive so I will need my lady to be fairly local.
I am hoping to meet a nice sexy lady who will show me the ropes in the bedroom. I don't like playing games and would like to meet someone who is honest, sincere and trustworthy.I am not bothered as to her appearance, I have no preference for haircolour, height wise around the same height or shorter would be preferable.Similar interests and those of her own would be fine, but above all else I would expect her to be gentle with me at first till I get to know what I am getting involved with and then the fireworks should begin.I don't particularly like tattoos or body piercings although I don't mind the occasional one.I would hope that my lady would be sexy (don't we all!) but I would be happy to meet one of a

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